Covid-19 commitment

At Studio35 your health and wellbeing is our number one priority. As part of our COVID-19 commitment we will be introducing a number of cleaning, hygiene and social distancing measures to keep you safe at our club.

Cleaning and Hygiene

Our team will work harder than ever to ensure that our equipment and facilities are kept clean and well sanitised at all times. We have developed enhanced cleaning protocols which include regular antibacterial cleaning of machines and daily deep cleans. We have provided antibacterial gel at the entrance of the club. It is compulsory that everyone uses the gel before entering the club. We also recommend using the gel before leaving.

Social Distancing

Marked orange lines outside the club will guide you on how to queue while maintaining social distancing. We ask that you wait outside until invited to come in by one of our coaches. We are limiting numbers at the club with our new booking system to make social distancing inside the club much easier.


The beauty of our club is that we are in the middle of a park. We will be keep our doors open to allow the flow of fresh air alongside air conditioning to keep you cool.  If you would also like to wear a mask you may do so, although this is not compulsory.
We know how important regular exercise is to your overall health and wellness.
The team at Studio35 are here to support you in any way we can. We look forward to welcoming you all back to the club.

More information on coronavirus can be found on the NHS and PHE websites.
Public Health England: